Second Grade

February 25, 2008


Four and one half days of school this week!
BIBLE: Elijah depended on the Lord to provide what he needed---food from birds, bread from a widow, and fire from heaven! We´ll listen to stories from I Kings 17-19. Our verse is PROVERBS 3: 5,6
Trust in the Lord with all your heart and do not lean on your own understanding.
In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct your paths.

READING: One group is reading "A Good Laugh for Cookie". Others continue chapter by chapter through The Littles. We will look for adjectives that talk about nouns, and use phonograms and rules to help pronounce words correctly.

SPELLING: List J-3: wind/force, race/bank, perch/dust, saw/shape, left/print, fill/report, part/pay, group/band, place/hope, fudge/bill. Many of these words may be used as a NOUN or a VERB. In class students are drawing to show different meanings of the same word.
SPELLING BEES will be held in 2nd grade on March 27 or 28. School spelling bee will happen on April 4. You can practice when you
1)say the word to your child 2) she or he repeats it, 3) spells it,
4) repeats it again.

MATH: In math journals, students write problems with the day´s date as the answer. Regrouping is the skill we practice frequently, with money and word problems. Chapter test will be early next week. Please practice FAST FACTS to make the answers automatic.

SCIENCE: Today we measured how long several dinosaurs probably were, on the basketball court. Kids worked together in groups of 3, with chalk and 3 feet of yarn. On Wednesday, we´ll go hunting as PALEONTOLOGISTS for more facts.

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