Second Grade

March 30, 2008


Another week closer to the end of 2nd grade!! My students are progressing rapidly in reading and math, and improving in behavior, too!

BIBLE:MEMORY: Matthew 28: 5,6,7a The angel said to the women, “Do not be afraid. I know you are looking for Jesus, who was crucified. He is not here; He is risen, just as He said. Come and see the place where He lay. Then go quickly to tell his disciples….” Last week we identified which P Words are included in these verses. This week we will use pages from Lucado’s The Final Days of Jesus to review these important stories: Jesus’ hands, Mary’s gift, the donkey, cleaning out the temple, washing feet, sharing bread and wine, Judas as traitor, and resurrection morning.

SCIENCE: We’ll identify and experiment with push and pull forces, using magnets and boats as we begin our unit on simple machines.

SPELLING: List J-5 includes these words: cannot/forgive, said/won, along/rest, east/room, strike/toe, made/meat, deeply/air, still/kindly, want/joyfully, gladly/when. Test is on Friday. We will learn about adverbs (usually ending with “-ly”) and contractions like can’t, and negative words like UNkind, UNmade, UNforgiving, UNwanted.

MISSION SPOT on Fridays by Mr. and Mrs. Green is very interesting to second graders as they hear stories and watch videos of famous missionaries. “Jonah” is the missionary we are studying now. As prophet, he had the important job of delivering God’s Word to His people.

LIBRARY: Respectful, appropriate behavior in the library each Thursday will earn points towards brownies for our class. Thank you for encouraging your child to READ 20 minutes each night, AND to obey each adult at our school.

For the sake of the children, Mrs. Moyer

February 25, 2008


Four and one half days of school this week!
BIBLE: Elijah depended on the Lord to provide what he needed---food from birds, bread from a widow, and fire from heaven! We´ll listen to stories from I Kings 17-19. Our verse is PROVERBS 3: 5,6
Trust in the Lord with all your heart and do not lean on your own understanding.
In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct your paths.

READING: One group is reading "A Good Laugh for Cookie". Others continue chapter by chapter through The Littles. We will look for adjectives that talk about nouns, and use phonograms and rules to help pronounce words correctly.

SPELLING: List J-3: wind/force, race/bank, perch/dust, saw/shape, left/print, fill/report, part/pay, group/band, place/hope, fudge/bill. Many of these words may be used as a NOUN or a VERB. In class students are drawing to show different meanings of the same word.
SPELLING BEES will be held in 2nd grade on March 27 or 28. School spelling bee will happen on April 4. You can practice when you
1)say the word to your child 2) she or he repeats it, 3) spells it,
4) repeats it again.

MATH: In math journals, students write problems with the day´s date as the answer. Regrouping is the skill we practice frequently, with money and word problems. Chapter test will be early next week. Please practice FAST FACTS to make the answers automatic.

SCIENCE: Today we measured how long several dinosaurs probably were, on the basketball court. Kids worked together in groups of 3, with chalk and 3 feet of yarn. On Wednesday, we´ll go hunting as PALEONTOLOGISTS for more facts.

February 10, 2008

On Thursdays

“On Thursdays “
These are short sentences written the day after NO CAR DAY, comparing THAT day with normal Thursdays in school.

by Mrs. Moyer
Usually I ride to school in a car.
Yesterday I biked to school in 1 1/2 hours!

by Felipe Achury
Usually I am all the day in school.
Yesterday I went to a park.

By Daniela Alonso
Usually on Thursdays I go to school but yesterday I did not.
Usually I don’t go to my grandma’s house but yesterday I did.

By Juan Carlos Bolivar
Usually I go in the car with my Dad to get to worck.
Yesterday I went in Bike to worck.
Usually I ar in shool.
Yesterday I got worck.

By Alejo Cala
Usually I come on Mrs. Moyer’s car.
But yesterday I was in my house and played.
Usually I go to school.
Yesterday I saw a movie.

By Benjamin Castro
Usually I go to school and work.
Yesterday I went to my farm and saw tv all day.

By Pilar Gonzalez
Usually I come to school.
Yesterday I sleep in my granma home and
I read a book and
I did my homework and I play with my bear.

By Laura Guzman
Usually I go to school in a vean.
Yesterday I wack to get in the school of my sister.

By Natalia Hernandez
Usually I was in 2nd Grade.
Yesterday I was sick and I sleep all the moring.

By Joy Hudgins
Usually I eat lunch at sckooll.
Yesterday I ate lunch at my home.

By David Izquierdo
Usually I go to school.
Yesterday I stayed all day in my house.

By Esteban Gutierrez
Usually I play soccer.
Yesterday I play with my toys.
Usually I see my grandma.
Yesterday I play with my friend.

By Sam Lara
Usually I ride in my car.
Yesterday I rode a bike all day arund Bogota
My nefiu came from Spani to visit me at night.

By Samuel Leon
Usually my bad ride The car to go to school.
Yesterday I stayed in my house.
Usually I do homwrk.
Yesterday I sat eve.

By Sofia Lopez
Usually I go to school.
Yestarday I went to my aunts house.

By Mateo Mendoza
Usually I go in a car to school.
Yesterday I went to by close.

By Sara Pinzon
Usually every day I go to my house.
Yesterday I eat papas.
Yesterday I did harts to my mother.

By Katia Pistulka
Yesterday I saw a movie of Happy Feet with my sisters and with my mom.
Usually I play with my sisters.
Yesterday I played with my dos.
Usually I go to school.

By Dylan Stendal
Usually I go to school
Yesterday a hamster bit my finger.
Usually I wach a muve.
Yesterday I slept all the time

By Esteban Trujillo
Usually I do Mathe
Yesterday I ate in the Coral Gurmet.
Usually I play soocer.
Yesterday I played play Steashon.

January 27, 2008

100th Day

Dear parents and friends,
On Friday, we will celebrate our 100th Day of School at ECA! We’ll
do 100 exercises with all other elementary students first thing in the

BIBLE: Second graders are responsible for presenting in Chapel on
Thursday, 7:50 -9:15 am. We will recite the FIVE FAITH FACTS, with
Scripture and songs to illustrate each.
1) God is who He says He is.

2) God can do what He says He can do.

3) I am who God says I am.

4) I can do all things through Christ.

5) God’s Word is alive and active in me.

I’m believing God! (based on Beth Moore’s book)

You are cordially invited to attend.

VERSES: Please review Hebrews 11:6 and Philippians 4:13 this week.

READING: Nate the Great solved his mystery. Now we will analyze
how— clues, setting, characters, plot. Ms. McLamb’s readers will discover
where the cat’s meow came from, and practice reading for fluency and

MATH: Adding tens and solving word problems will prepare students
for regrouping. Fast Facts is a daily exercise to put basic facts
into your child’s memory.. Please practice with your child using the
sheet he or she brings for homework.

SCIENCE: After a fantastic field trip to the planetarium, with the
watchful eyes of 4 mothers, we will explore and illustrate the effect
of the SUN on plants and animals.

SPELLING: List I-3 includes sing/Mr., sang/found, sung/ nice, song/
plant, doll/got, feet/away, zoo/came, add/went, lace /lake, miss/
west. The two words separated by / are the two that should appear in
the same sentence. Please see the SPELLING SYSTEM explained,
including homework, on another post.

LOOK at the STARS with a real strong telescope on Friday evening from
ECA’s playground. Shooting off rockets will add to the excitement in
the air! I hope to see you there.

For looking at the stars,
Mrs. Moyer

January 21, 2008

Mysteries and Stars

BIBLE: Learning songs and verses about the FIVE FAITH FACTS will help us prepare for presenting chapel to elementary kids on Thursday, January 31, 7:50 am -8:30 am. This week and next, we will make a booklet centering on these FAITH FACTS. Encourage your child to practice this verse: Galatians 6:4 "Each one should test her own actions. Then she can take pride in herself, without comparing herself to somebody else."

MYSTERIES to be solved in reading groups: 3 groups with me will follow Nate the Great, a boy detective as he searches for clues. The other group will search for The Cat’s Meow with Ms. McLamb. I am appreciative of her help.

MATH We are playing games with cubes, preparing to regroup in addition and subtraction. Most days, kids will have 90 seconds to accurately complete Fast Facts. Please practice these orally with your child as you walk or drive, to put them into his long term memory.

PLANETARIUM visit on Thursday, and exploring the map of Colombia in the National Park, counts for science, Spanish and social studies. Thank you to each parent who volunteered to travel with us. The van will leave ECA at 9:30 am and return by 2:15.

WORDS: This week we will practice our alphabetizing skills using DICTIONARIES. Alphabetizing to the 4th and 5th letters, identifying guide words, noting parts of speech….these are skills that the kids will use for the rest of their lives. Pray we’ll take firm steps in developing this new skill.