Second Grade

September 30, 2007


Dear parents,

SURPRISES! I’m sure some of you were as surprised as we were when we heard of the President’s decreed vacation for students! But not teachers. I hope the change will be refreshing for everyone, and that you will be able to change your schedule for your children’s sake. I look forward to discussing your child’s progress next Thursday at Parent-Teacher conferences. My voice should be strong to answer questions, too.

BIBLE: Moses gave JOSHUA the huge responsibility to lead God’s people, but God promised to be with him as he studied God’s Word, obeyed what God said with courage, and followed Him with his whole heart. Our Bible verses are God’s words to Joshua--
“Think about My Word day and night so that you may be careful to do everything written in it. Have I not commanded you? Be strong and have lots of courage. Don’t be afraid, don’t be dismayed, for the Lord your God will go with you wherever you go.” (Joshua 1: 8-9)

READING: We are beginning reading groups. One will continue in Frog and Toad Are Friends, with “The Surprise.” The others will read about “Anansi and the Talking Melon.” Watching for characters who are friendly or tricky, we’ll practice ways long e is spelled, the sounds “y” and “ed” make in words. Kids are also practicing SELF-CONTROL by reading to themselves quietly, and reading with partners quietly.

SCIENCE: How insects move and eat in their world will be our focus and experience. We’ll go on an insect hunt outside, and race like insects. I am excited to begin reading Charlotte’s Web by E.B. White to my students. It is an excellent story of friendship between a spider and a pig.

MATH: We are finishing the first chapter in the workbook, with a test on Tuesday. The rest of the week we will be drawing and counting stars to practice grouping. We’ll also begin reviewing USA coins.

SPELLING: List D-1 on Monday includes: man, make, boy, jump, book, read, dog, play, home, are. D-2 on Tuesday: school, must, street, was, mother, has, time, have, hand, had. Students will write 5 sentences each night, drawing a picture LABELLED WITH THE SPELLING WORDS, for each sentence. They’ll learn a song about silent –e in a word, sort by vowel sounds, and make foldable contractions.

HOMEWORK HELPERS: For SPELLING, please allow your child to form the sentences. Ask your child to read the sentences to you aloud, and give help with other words. In MATH, please check your child’s work, that it is complete. If many answers are wrong, ask your child to think again about the answers. If it is obvious that your child does not understand, please help him.

PE: Ms. Morris has not been pleased with the second graders in her classes. They have missed learning time because they have not been ATTENTIVE to her directions. Please talk and pray about this with your child.

PARENT/TEACHER CONFERENCES I look forward to discussing your child’s progress next Thursday at Parent-Teacher conferences. I want to listen to what your child says about 2nd grade. My voice should be strong to answer questions, too.

For the sake of the children,
Mrs. Glenda Moyer

September 24, 2007

Plagues of insects

Dear parents,
THANK YOU so much for participating in OPEN HOUSE. Each second grader was delighted to show off our workplace to you, the most important adults in their lives. Our class had 100% participation by students and adults! Maybe the advantage of my laryngitis was that you communicated more with your child...I was blessed by Mrs. Molina, Ms. Karl, and Mr.Hicks helping in class with instructions in English, too. Your kids read more directions in English, and followed procedures with minimal words! Their responses showed they are learning well how to act like second graders!!

BIBLE Moses was courageous and diligent in obeying God´s command to return to the Pharoah. He showed His POWER to the Egyptian PEOPLE todefeat all the their gods through the 10 plagues. We´ll make a little book about plagues, and memorize Psalm 56: 3,4
¨When I am afraid, I will trust in You. In God whose Word I praise,
in God I trust; I will not be afraid.¨
Kids will write and draw about their fears.

SCIENCE Insects are what we are observing and categorizing: body parts, how they use antenae and mouths to survive in their habitats.n We´ll be learning about character and behavior from Buzz Bee and Puff Uppity Ant (stories by Ethel Barrett.)

READING We will practice being effective partners, learning how to choose a book, and how to coach each other in reading. Two groups will read either ¨The Letter¨ (Frog and Toad Are Friends) or ¨Spiders Everywhere.¨

SPELLING list is C, with prepositions. Students will practice 10 words on Monday, 10 more on Tuesday. Homework includes writing 5 sentences,and drawing a picture for each sentence,to make sure they know what the words mean. They will also sort words by color-coded vowel sounds.

MATH centers on word problems, a most difficult way to work with number concepts.
8 is our number for practicing math facts. Please practice both addition and subtraction facts for 5´s, 6´s, 7´s, and 8´s to keep your child up to speed with these basic facts. Making up story problems would also increase their math thinking skills.

NO HALF DAY this Tuesday, since our October vacation week has been scheduled.

PRAY kids will keep learning how to follow directions, and act in responsible ways towards adults and each other in class and at recess.

For the sake of the children,
Mrs. Glenda Moyer

September 15, 2007

Teaching responsibilty to students and Open House

Dear second graders’ parents,
The chopstick lessons in the photos above were taught by Ms. Olivera’s brother. He visited us to show photos of his time in China, when these students (in first grade) were praying for him regularly. We learned how to say “nee-how” to greet each other in the morning, saw octopus eaten as food and busy city street scenes. Learning about a different peoples is an example of a P word: “passport to the world.” God may someday call one of these children to tell Chinese about Him, giving him or her His authority to go make disciples.

We finished our P word booklets on Friday, so this week we will look for these ideas as we study MOSES, a humble man who had lots of “But”s when God called him to go. We’ll be watching for each other to put others before themselves, demonstrating humility. Proverbs says we learn humility first, then experience glory!
VERSE: Psalm 25: 9
”God guides the humble in what is right and teaches them His way.”

We will practice writing FRIENDLY LETTERS to say “Thank you” to Yena’s mother who talked with 2nd graders about China last Friday. She taught numbers and words she learned in Chinese, since she was a missionary there before coming to Colombia.

Mrs. Green will share with us about missions in CHAPEL on Thursday morning. Each Friday after this, she and her husband will speak in our weekly “Mission Spot”. Ask your child what he or she remembers, and pray God will raise up missionaries from ECA students, to go and teach disciples!

SPELLING WORDS: List B-1: tan, bag, can, beg, so, big, no, bog, pet, bug. List B-2: a, fish, an, odd, the, hill, good, hit, last, step. We will continue to review and reinforce the short vowel sounds, and illustrate, sort and alphabetize these words. Friday’s test will include all 20 words. Each student should draw a picture that shows each sentence her writes.

COMMUNITY CIRCLE happens every Friday morning until 9 am PE class. We discuss positive behaviors we’ve seen in each other, demonstrating Spirit fruit in action: compassion, kindness, patience…..We pass an object around the circle, to help us take turns listening and speaking. It’s a treat to hear kids “tattle” on each other this way!

RAISING RESPONSIBLE STUDENTS is my objective this week. I'll be reading books to describe 4 levels of behavior, illustrated by characters and in your child’s personalized drawing, demonstrated with a ball of paper! You will see your child’s art on your child’s desk when you visit us for ……

ELEMENTARY OPEN HOUSE, THURSDAY from 1:00 – 3:00 pm. I will be describing 2nd grade curriculum and strategies at 1:45 pm. There will be 2 scavenger hunts for you to take with your child, to learn to know people and places in our school and classroom, beginning when you pick up your 2nd grader from our room after lunch. I know my students will be excited to show off our room and work to you! And maybe clean desks, too I look forward to seeing many of you there!

For the sake of the children,
Mrs. Glenda Moyer

September 11, 2007


September 11, 2007
Dear second graders’ parents,

A good night’s sleep does wonders after a busy weekend!! Our board/teacher retreat was wonderfully relaxing and challenging. How can God teach my students, through me and in spite of me?! I deeply appreciate your prayers!

BIBLE We continue adding pages to our TEN P WORDS booklet, as we learn about each word. Yesterday I told stories from my past about how God PREPARED me to become a teacher here. Today PROCLAMATION happens through the Jesus film. How we share our POSSESSIONS in PROJECTS are Wednesday’s words, then PARTNERSHIP with God and other Christians on Friday will finish our booklets.

VERSE to memorize for Friday Acts 1.8 “But you will receive POWER when the Holy Spirit comes on you and you will be My witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.” Acts 1.8

SPELLING The second part of list A (A/2) are go, my, run, ran, six, all, not, do, did, ten Students will sort these by vowels SOUNDS, and put them in abc (alphabetical) order. These are the words used for homework. Test is on Friday.

READING We will discuss how to act when others make fun of us, as Frog did to Toad in “A Swim.” It is difficult to respond in a forgiving way when our hearts are hurt. After identifying words ending with “-ed” students will sort them according to the 3 SOUNDS those letters make at the end of English words.

SOCIAL STUDIES We are looking at family traditions and “trees” of grandparents and parents to form our own class tree. Look for it during OPEN HOUSE on Sept. 20.

MATH Students will practice partners that make 6. They will learn the strategy of “making a 10” for making addition easier.

FRIDAY INTERNATIONAL FOCUS is a special given by parents to our class as teachers take the time to grow professionally during last period. Last month, Mr. Thornton talked about Canada. This week, Mrs. Kim, Yena’s mother, is scheduled to talk about CHINA with 2nd graders.

PROGRESS REPORTS are coming home Tuesday, Sept. 11. Please sign and return them by Tuesday, Sept. 18. I will appreciate any comments you think would help me better understand your child.

For the sake of the children,
Mrs. Glenda Moyer

September 3, 2007

ALost Button

Dear parents,
SPELLING is our newest subject, with the first official list from our 2nd grade curriculum, A-1.
top, hat, but, be, and, am, cat,is, red, bed
Students should practice by writing sentences using the words, sorting by vowel sounds, alphabetizing, preparing for the test on Friday. I was pleased with the way my students responded to our first test last week.

READING focuses on the characters of Frog and Toad, in "A Lost Button." We will watch how they act like friends, and apply lessons to friendships in our classroom. Students will identify, sort and write words with o in "box", "toad", and "two." We are tuning our ears to vowel sounds and their various spellings.

MATH centers on partners of 6 (4,2...5,1...3,3...0,6) and doubles (2+2...12+12) Please play oral math games with your child to help these facts become quick and fast from memory.

SCIENCE I hope you heard what happened to our toad last week. We will have photos at Open House as well as the kids´drawings of what they saw. This week we will make pictures of habitats of amphibians and reptiles. High schoolers will teach us how to make paper frogs!

BIBLE We continue to learn about the P words, adding pages to pink or purple booklets. Ask your child to sing the P Word song. Exodus 9:16 is our verse to memorize by Thursday, Sept. 6.

THURSDAY is special for several reasons.
PHOTO DAY for elementary students. Please dress your child appropriately for a yearbook picture.
CHINA: Ms.Olivera´s brother, whom these students prayed for during his travels last year, will show his pictures and stories on Thursday morning, 8-8:40 am.
LAST DAY of school this week, since we teachers go on a retreat with the board members of ECA.

PRAY with me for second graders to learn the JOY that comes from obeying me, and speaking and acting in kind ways to each other. And that I will let PATIENCE fruit grow inside me!

For the sake of the children,
Mrs. Glenda Moyer