Second Grade

December 26, 2007

Jesus' birthday and cookies

Happy Birthday for Jesus celebrations! May you enjoy family times as you wait for 2008.
Second graders read Matthew 2: 1-12, the story of the Magi, which they had almost completely memorized, in chapel on Thursday, December 14, then for parents on Friday. They sang, "We Three Kings" attempting to sound like kings themselves.

After decorating sugar cookies with our 5th grade Book Buddies, they delivered them to many ECA staff and workers. Each second grader took a ribbon-tied bag with 2 cookies inside to give to someone who could not give anything back to them. We were following the Magi's example of giving, expecting no returns.

Getting refreshed and ready to return January 9....
Mrs. Moyer

December 10, 2007

Christmas and cookies

THE CHRISTMAS STORY focuses in 2nd grade on the Magi (wisemen) who followed the star, searching for Jesus. We practice Matthew 2: 1-12 each day, and will be saying these verses on Thursday in our chapel, and on Friday during our Christmas program for you.
FRIDAY´s program will begin with pre-kinder kids through 2nd grades, then we´ll enjoy a cookie break before 3rd – 5th graders present. Students are eager to perform for you!

We will make COOKIES and decorations this week, and listen to stories like The Littlest Magi, The Christmas Miracle, and The Best Christmas Pageant Ever.

SPELLING review will reinforce the words we have studied to continue to strengthen the foundation of English spellings and sounds. We´ll search for words with specific sounds and spellings the the books we´ve read recently, and practice words on the Word Wall.

MONEY in math helps us practice adding and subtracting by 5´s and 10´s. Chapter test will be next week.

Celebrating in this season,

Mrs. Glenda Moyer