Second Grade

March 30, 2008


Another week closer to the end of 2nd grade!! My students are progressing rapidly in reading and math, and improving in behavior, too!

BIBLE:MEMORY: Matthew 28: 5,6,7a The angel said to the women, “Do not be afraid. I know you are looking for Jesus, who was crucified. He is not here; He is risen, just as He said. Come and see the place where He lay. Then go quickly to tell his disciples….” Last week we identified which P Words are included in these verses. This week we will use pages from Lucado’s The Final Days of Jesus to review these important stories: Jesus’ hands, Mary’s gift, the donkey, cleaning out the temple, washing feet, sharing bread and wine, Judas as traitor, and resurrection morning.

SCIENCE: We’ll identify and experiment with push and pull forces, using magnets and boats as we begin our unit on simple machines.

SPELLING: List J-5 includes these words: cannot/forgive, said/won, along/rest, east/room, strike/toe, made/meat, deeply/air, still/kindly, want/joyfully, gladly/when. Test is on Friday. We will learn about adverbs (usually ending with “-ly”) and contractions like can’t, and negative words like UNkind, UNmade, UNforgiving, UNwanted.

MISSION SPOT on Fridays by Mr. and Mrs. Green is very interesting to second graders as they hear stories and watch videos of famous missionaries. “Jonah” is the missionary we are studying now. As prophet, he had the important job of delivering God’s Word to His people.

LIBRARY: Respectful, appropriate behavior in the library each Thursday will earn points towards brownies for our class. Thank you for encouraging your child to READ 20 minutes each night, AND to obey each adult at our school.

For the sake of the children, Mrs. Moyer

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